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Put Others Next

After you have loved the Lord with all your heart, soul, and

strength and after you have gotten your love relationship

with yourself clear – now you can love your neighbor. Your

lifelong love will first enter your life as a stranger and as your

relationship begins to grow and develop, you will recognize

them as someone special.

When it comes to new people, intentionally choose to believe

the truth about others. See them through clear eyes. Know

that they are already who they are. What you see is what you

get, regardless of what they say they are going to do in the

future. Your addition to their lives will only improve them

if you are pushing them toward their purpose in life (which

is not


idea of their purpose in life). The converse is also

true. Their addition to your life must propel you toward your

purpose in life as well. If not, you may have to re-evaluate

the relationship. If your job involves traveling and they hate

everything related to traveling, your being joined together

may cause more friction than harmony. Be willing to let go

and move on.

Second, love others. Having a habit of being loving toward

others will instantly be an open door to getting to know this

special someone. Allow them to be in your presence without

you attempting to change or fix them. Remember that God

loves them the same way He loves you. Your lifelong love will

enjoy you more if you practice loving them rather than judg-

ing or correcting them.

Third, be honest with yourself about others and act accord-

ingly. Be honest with yourself when you discover various

things about others. If you like what you see, then move

forward. If you don’t like what you see, believe it and move

on. Don’t park there and tell yourself that you can pray that

problem away for them. Give them the freedom to work out

their own salvation around their difficulties. You can wait

patiently for the results and then sign on the dotted line later.

Remember, when you marry someone, characteristics that are

displayed while dating are not heightened in marriage. If you

can handle who they are and love them as they are in their

current state, any progress they make in any area is just icing

on the cake.

KnowWhat You are Doing

Finally, preparing for lifelong love is a process. When you

have your expectations of yourself and others in order, you

have a better chance of recognizing where you are on the

journey to lifelong love. Be aware of what you have to offer

when it comes to being a


for someone. Hone your

skills and face your challenges. Have your list of must have’s

and can’t stand’s ready so that you can evaluate potential

matches and differentiate a potential friend from a candidate

for lifelong love. Remember that your heavenly Father is

participating in this process and He is the best source of con-

firmation for your progress. He loves you first and is actively

preparing for you to not only have lifelong love but to be

the answer to someone else’s quest for lifelong love. God is a

matchmaker, and He always wants the best for you.

Dr. Torri Love Griffin, LPC is a Love and

Relationships Coach practicing in the

Atlanta, Georgia area. She teaches singles,

couples and hopefuls to Use Common

SENSE to Remove NonSENSE so Rela-

tionships Make SENSE.